
About Us

Boonie Babies is a volunteer-run nonprofit


Our mission is to provide resources and education to reduce the stray population on Saipan and help pet owners sustainably take care of their animals, promoting spaying and neutering and other long-term solutions.


Boonie Babies envisions a world where there are no more animals suffering on the streets, on Saipan or elsewhere. We aspire to spread awareness of the harms of unethical breeding and change the narrative surrounding rescue animals.

Aria & Grace Keilbach

Founder Aria Keilbach moved to the island of Saipan in 2018 from Pueblo, Colorado. Having grown up with a passion for animals, Aria could not ignore the harsh treatment of boonie dogs. Only 16 years old at the time, she started by simply stocking her car with dog food and stopping to feed any strays she came across. Urgent situations then thrust her into the world of rescuing, fostering, and providing medical in-home care as she took in some of the worst cases of neglect she had ever seen.

Aria was able to rescue, foster, and adopt out several dogs at a time, but Boonie Babies was able to transform into an even greater mission when her sister, Grace Keilbach, joined her on Saipan in 2020. As a team, the Keilbach sisters are now able to rescue more dogs than ever before and bring awareness to the boonie dogs of Saipan. 


Co-founders Aria (left) and Grace Keilbach (right) along with several Boonie Babies foster dogs. 

 The now 21- and 24-year-old sisters work full time to provide care to the boonie dogs of Saipan. You can reach them through the social medias provided: